Quid Pro Quo

Friday, October 08, 2004

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

its a well known fact, it doesn't matter what kind of job you are in, there will always be ways to get a work related injury. when i was working in the finance company, it was those damn paper cuts. day in day out i handled heaps of paper work. the paper work were kept in large paper files which were in turn kept in even larger paper accordion files. you the do math yourself, it was impossible not to get a paper cut. it was only a matter of time and how many times per day. it was something that you lived with when you take on an office job. and trust me, generally the smaller the cut the more it hurts. getting a huge gash by a sharp knife is one thing, but loads of paper cuts on your fingers will eventually take its toil on anybody, male or female.

i am in an entirely different job now. total mindless menial tasks. i refill items in a supermarket. i thought, hey i could do with the change in scenery. a job that keeps me on my feet instead of in an enclosed office surrounded by paper. i lift items from Point A to Point B. change shelf height or generally move stuff. its a hands on job. shelves need to go onto metal brackets, lots of shelves means lots of brackets, and as i soon found out, it was Cuts-ville all over again. you get nicks everywhere. but hey, i'm not one to whine when a lil cut gets you. today the mothership of pain came to me in the form of a make shift bracket-hammer. i had to get a wayward bracket into the wall, and since i couldn't get it in straight, on account that it was rusted beyond recognition. being the innovative person that i am, i decided to use another bracket to hammer the other in. left hand holding the bad bracket, right hand holding the hammer-bracket. lets just say i over estimated my ability in being able to aim straight. the first hit was the obligatory soft hit, which found it's mark, the second brute-force hit landed square on my left thumb. i felt my left thumb's life flash before me then it was pure and unadulterated burning pain. the throb! oh the throb in the thumb! quietly i left the two brackets on the floor, walk out clutching my thumb and staggered out for a quick smoke.

its been 3 hours since i knocked off from work. my thumb is still giving me the silent treatment. i don't blame it. not one bit. oh well, it could be worse, i don't know what or how, but i'm sure i'll find out someway. not too soon i hope.

Cest la Vie!


Blogger Sister Sunshine said...

Gosh! I sure hope your thumb feels better soon!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 3:49:00 AM

Blogger bleed-me said...

ha ha ha, thanks! its all good now. much better after a lil T.L.C.

Friday, October 15, 2004 2:47:00 AM


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