Farewell, Farewell, Farewell.
you were always the friend who was willing to lend a hand. i've approached you heaps of times to help me get my stuff done. remember my georgraphy assignments? you were tired as hell piled with you own stuff, yet you didn't turn me down. cheerfully you grumbled, sat on the PC and churned up my stuff for me. so many times we wrestled, horsed around and just hung out. i knew you were ticklish like a little school girl and i would always pin you down and made sure you got a good one from me and the guys.
remember your cologne? you bought the largest bottle of Hugo Boss to impress the girl you liked. i'm not sure you managed to impress her, but us buddies around could always smell you a mile away. less is more my friend. you were a quirky friend. you could never turn anyone down. your room was a cyber cafe to all the people without a PC and internet access. you never locked your room so that we could come at all hours of the day to use your PC. i remember your room like it was only yesterday. clothes everywhere and books strewn as far as the eye can see. and who could forget your Coke memorobila. remember that year when we went to the Perth Royal Show together? you bought all the show bags that contained anything with a Coke logo. i thought you were nuts. i still do.
clothes were always optional for you. you did always be clad in just your underwear, and a thick jacket and nothing else. its winter buddy, winter man! oh my favourite Teochew friend. we had many good laughs together. i will miss you dearly. more dearly then you will ever know. take care.
R.I.P Tay Ching Xiang, Coco
19th October 2004
My sincerest condolences on the loss of your friend. Hope you'll be back to blogging soon!
: )
Wednesday, November 03, 2004 6:24:00 AM
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