Quid Pro Quo

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Amen, Amen, Amen.

i have been swimming around like a shark in a steel cage. all this time i have been naught but patient. yesterday, the gauntlet was dropped, and like a feeding frenzy, blood was drawn. the urge to kill was instinctive. i was raised in the burbs, i am the burbs. there aren’t any shades of gray only black and white. right and wrong. i ran with crowd that had an honor code, i knew the code. drop him where he stands. drop him now. every ounce of self control was needed to curb my anger. my very self, my being. all that i was, all that i still am. its a side i hope no one will have to see.

for your sake, stay the fuck away from all that is dear and precious to me. protecting the ones that i love is primal for me. there is no reasoning. i will not be reasoned with. don't blow smoke up my ass. i can smell fear when you lie to me with a straight face. don't insult me with your kiddy repertoire, cause i have seen this shit while you were still swimming in your fathers balls. i see you coming a mile away. trust me, you do not want to find out what i am capable of. i have fired the warning shot. take heed and stay away. cause the last thing on your mind now is that i am all show and no go.

highly charged and ready for action. i have geared myself up for this stand off like a boxer before a major fight. i'll let you draw first blood. just give me the chance, call my bluff. try it and find out whose got more to lose.

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbours Wife.


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