Quid Pro Quo

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Throb, Throb, Throb

Mmmm...the weekends are finally here. and nothing like a nice Anzac long weekend to make it better. i was already in a great mood albeit a lil zonked out for the whole afternoon. i was typing up some procedure for training purposes and staring mindlessly into the computer screen and zoning out. but somehow even without any brain activity, i still felt an overwhelming sense of joy that Fri is here, and still with 3 days to boot.
after work i, the sluggishness suddenly left me. i was totally reborned. like a monkey in a Del Monte farm, so many bananas and so lil time. i paid my parking for the day (which killed me by the way, City Parking kills you...) and headed to dropped some rice dumplings of to a friend of mine.

we spent some time on her goggle box watching friday movies and stoning together. taught her how to enhence existing varicose veins on the hand with a green colored highlighter. she wasnt impressed, but i was, even tho' i had done it to myself more times then i care to remember.
she knows i am easily amused anyway...

i offered myself to her for mutilation, but she turned it down. so i was allowed to live another day. she probable figured i was still better alive to her then dead, tho the urge to hurt me was ever so strong in her. oh well...

might be my imagination, but i swear its still throbing, Puff...


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